From: Knight, Eric
        Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:56 AM
        To: Melmer, Rick
        Subject: House Bill
    Rick, I have a quick question for you. I am currently taking school law and I am confused on two bills.
House Bill 1082; is this bill talking about consolidation. Smaller schools getting funds taken away until they do consolidate and schools that do consolidate will be getting additional funding. I am wondering if I have the basics on this one.

The other bill that I am wondering about is a bill having to do with teacher pay. I don't have the number. Business people and schools got together and discussed and made a bill about increased teacher pay. Possibly about merit pay and inflation. I am not for sure, but if you could give me a little insight on these bills that would be great.

        Hope to hear from you!

From: Melmer, Rick
Sent: Fri 2/2/2007 3:30 PM
To: Knight, Eric
Subject: RE: House Bill

Hi Eric,
    There are all kinds of bills floating around right now but the herd will get thinned in about two weeks.  HB 1082 and SB 69 were identical bills that related to a number of things such as:

    * Minimum school size - district needs to be 200 students or more.  If not, would need to consolidate by July 1, 2009.

    * Increasing/decreasing enrollment - providing some relief for declining districts and rewards for increasing districts

    * Other revenue - equalizing other revenue for all districts (you may not understand this one very well)
    * Sparsity - paying districts more that are more than 15 miles from the nearest HS
    * Fund balance - allowing a district to carry a fund balance of 25% without a penalty
    There will be a couple of teacher pay bills.  The Governor has a Teacher Compensation Assistance Program bill (TCAP) that will be introduced.  He is proposing that if a district comes up with $16/student, the state will double it $33/student to equal $50/student.  The district could use that money for teacher pay in one of two areas:  market (meaning paying certain more than others due to market needs or supply/demand) and district goals/objectives (paying for workshops/trainings or other programs that fit into the overall district plan)

    Sioux Falls is also introducing a bill that would ask for .5 on the formula (about $22/student) to be used for teacher performance pay.  Not sure about the details on that bill.

    I hope this helps and I hope all is well with you.  I'm glad that you are teaching and hope that you are enjoying your work.  Give Teri our best!

Rick Melmer
Secretary of Education

From: Knight, Eric
To: Melmer, Rick
Sent: Thu Feb 08 10:45:07 2007
Subject: RE: House Bill

Thanks Rick,
This information will help a great deal when finishing my assignment. I appreciate someone like you and as busy as you may be at this time of year to take the time and answer my questions. Thanks again for the clarification on the house bill. Tell Val and Sean high.
