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Goal 6: The graduate of the curriculum and instruction program makes appropriate use of educational technology.

Artifact 1

SMART Board In-Service

Artifact 2





Playstation, Movies, and Computers are the way of our youth today. With the youth spending a great deal of time using these types of tools they have become visual learners. Technology is a great way to get students involved in a variety of ways in a variety of lessons. By using technology we gain their attention, they have a visual to cue off, and they can themselves become hands on doing a wide variety of lessons. With almost every job today dealing with technology students that are exposed to these technologies will have the upper hand.

Artifact 1

Artifact 1 came from a project in the Instructional and Design class. We were to hold a needs assessment inventory and to find a way to solve the needs of the people surveyed. The best thing about this project is that after completing the project I was asked to hold an in-service on the use of the SMART Board in the elementary classroom. After finding the needs of the faculty I came up with a template lesson and the teachers were able to make a lesson and alter the template to fit their needs and class.

Artifact 2

This artifact was construct to be used in my fourth grade classroom for adding and subtracting decimals. This lesson was constructed using the SMART Notebook to be used the SMART Board in my classroom. For this lesson I had the opportunity to present this math lesson to a small group of Watertown teachers that were observing the use of the SMART Board as well as a representative of Senator Tim Johnson's office. Being able to use the technologies of the SMART Board, SMART Notebook, and Projector in my classroom allows my student's the chance to be interactive with the lesson presented.



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